Monday, April 6, 2009

No One Does It Like You - Matthew Jensen and Alex Merto

Here is a video of Me and Alex playing a song in our apartment.


Give It To You - Alex Merto and Matthew Jensen

This is Alex and Me playing a song in our stairwell.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dan Deacon on NBC

I love Dan Deacon, you should too.


Anything Goeses at Roses

We went to Roses last night. It's great fun. $3.00 for 32oz beers. Anything goeses at roses. We'll probably go again tonight.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Winters Love

I sat in my stairwell and played Winters Love by Animal Collective one night and captured it on it is. enjoy.


New Foosball Table

We just got a new foosball table today for super cheap, which we are excited about. Here are 2 pictures of picture of it during business hours and one picture of it during party time. Come play a game! Now we really have the guys apartment from friends.